42 thoughts on “Seeking Forgiveness

    • Lol….. The author wishes to let you know it was a work a fiction and we have never needed to ask for forgiveness. ….but great to know ,I might try to sell it to hallmark….lol 😊

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      • Wouldn’t that be a fire risk… I like making people laugh. But I should confess …. my clicking of the humour tag is rather covoluted I use it occasionally to mean funny as in haha as I did today but a lot of the time it’s more how people use funny as a question, as in funny strange or curious or why do these happen, but then until now telling you it’s also been my little joke to myself that people are reading my poems and thinking to themselves “what’s so bloody funny haha about this “not clicking as to how I missed used the tag humour/Humor..allow there is a bit of funny in this poem as well as the haha make em smile type 😊 anyway I better stop with my confessions or the mask might fall off 😷

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      • I have several of your pieces printed out and sitting on my desk that have served as tremendous inspiration to me (as, I hope, you are aware) because of the serious nature of them. Those responses are among my best works, btw, my Masked Muse Avenger.

        I do get when “funny” isn’t, at least most of the time, and I owe you a huge debt of gratitude, my friend! (provided you don’t collect via the “collector of skeletons”…Lol)

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      • Your no doubt tucked up and fast asleep, don’t laugh ,I got mixed up in a banana cake. It’s cooking now and should be lovely.
        I didn’t know you’d printed any out .i’m pleased in a humble way.
        Sorry I wasn’t having a go at you, I was just sharing a bit of my thought pattern….. I know it’s funny but I’m a closet writer. It’s like a deep dark secret for some strange reason…..i don’t know.
        Tayna even before I read about you I knew you were a very intelligent and highly intuned individual I didn’t mean to imply anything else .😊

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      • I’m not sleeping. I’m just getting another post ready for next week. (It’s only 8:00 p.m. here…I’m a night owl. I won’t sleep until after midnight.)

        Don’t apologize! I didn’t take it that way at all. I’m glad you explained it. Share away…Your deep, dark secret is safe with me…and like 10,000 other people who can read this post…Lol

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      • Oddly enough my office is connected to my bedroom, so technically, I am in my bedroom, just working and not sleeping…Lol

        I really should give it a rest for the night, but I had an idea inspired by the unicorn.

        The cake sounds lovely…I’m impressed and glad to hear that you didn’t bake yourself into it…Lol

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      • Lol…I made my famous homemade pizza for company last weekend. The first pizza was perfect, the second stuck to the peel (that long handled tray that you make the pizza on). I did nearly bake myself trying to rescue the poor pizza and get it on my cooking stone. My company got a good laugh out of it!

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      • Yes, well, in that case, maybe I am yummy…a bit on the sweet side, but don’t tell anyone…Lol

        I cannot believe that I am still in my office typing. I rarely do that. Have you eaten your banana cake? It is 9p.m. here, and I haven’t had dinner yet.

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      • It is nearly two in the morning, and I ended up back upstairs writing. I don’t have book 3 for you yet, but I did pen a short “tale of three lovers”…(he, he…my brain is on caffeine overdrive)

        So you do get a “3” from me but probably not until Thursday.

        Hope you are enjoying your weekend and your lovely banana cake!

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      • You are a night owl. I look forward to your Thursday offering. I thought my banana cake wasn’t has good as past delights but still good. I cut back on the butter as I was running low and it did affect the taste. Not that the family minded as they scoffed the lot.(not quite I hid some aside for afternoon coffee and cake today.) today’s been a grind just to get out some words into story form but I’m happy with the result 😊. Did you get a play in over your weekend?

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      • I just returned from The African Company Presents Richard III at APT’s Touchstone, a play inspired by the real life story of the first “colored” theater in 1821 In New York under direction of William Brown (the first of its kind for Shakespearean theater) and with James Hewlett (believed to be the first actor of color to play Othello). It was timely, brave and inspiring.

        It’s good to know that your household enjoys your culinary efforts! There are so many mouths around here, that cakes and such items do not last (unless, like you, I hide them…Lol). I mentioned “banana cake” to my daughter. That was a new one for us. Of course, she went and found a recipe; so that is on the agenda for tomorrow.

        This response is the most I’ve written all day…Lol. My daughter did take some more photos for me. Somehow we always end up doing that after I’ve had only like 4 hours of sleep…

        I can’t wait to read what you are writing!

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      • Interesting play I would think ,it’s good for people to remember . It’s good to hear the masked muse is helping out in your kitchen, I do hope your family will enjoy the banana cake.no matter what the recipe my advice is always double the bananas and also if it dosnt gross you out wait till the skin goes black. You don’t need to do the last step but it helps. Well if I see any photos where your eyes are closed I’ll know why.
        Well I’m pleased to say as long as I don’t suffer a bout of laziness or distraction it should be ready next week 😊

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      • I’m going to post a few of our “outtakes” on the blog later today, just for fun.

        Yes, your Masked Muse inspiration is spreading…Lol. I will pass on the banana advice to the mini-me. She is my motivated baker much to the delight of her brothers.

        If you are writing in your closet…Lol…I would think the distractions would be held to a minimum…(sorry, the closet-writing thing led to some funny mental imagery)

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      • I added a banana cake related addendum just for you to today’s spur-of-the-moment post.

        Cake related results can be located there…Lol

        (I do know the top secret location for the recipe for world’s best chocolate fudge brownies, if you are ever interested in such things as unbelievably good chocolate fudge brownies…this comment will self-destruct in ten seconds)

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      • https://www.americastestkitchen.com/recipes/5873-chewy-brownies?ref=new_search_experience_4&incode=MASAD00L0

        If you don’t want to do the free 14-day trial, let me know. (I have other top-secret methods). Honestly, my daughter and I use the Test Kitchen all the time. I find the videos really helpful and the recipes are the best we have found.

        I usually make two batches of the brownies at once and get requests to bring them to gatherings. (And everyone thinks I am a baking genius..I’m not, but don’t tell anyone…Lol).

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