poopling soup recipes #55

there was a mad hag that painted songs
who kept her brushes in coloured bongs
her house had many rooms
filled with dreamy paint fumes
where the mad hag brushed away gods wrongs

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #131

there was a snark that took a road trip 
to the docks where he boarded a ship
when he got to the moon
he found a jilted spoon
so the dishy snark launched a courtship

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #41

there was an old sun that killed the knight 
the legend says it was quite the smite
as tales go its a yawn
it all went down at dawn
then into the day that sun took flight

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #50

there was a cursed monk with a pet duck 
the monk was said to have been moonstruck
when he roasted his pet
he took it to the vet
who knew good luck and ate the monks duck

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #112

there was an old bard who liked the dark
he was caged in the hull of the ark
fermenting his poems
in clay jeroboams
which the old bard hid from his pet snark

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #43

there was a monk on a vapour trail
who caught fish in a bottomless pail
his belly was bloated
with thoughts never quoted
they said that monk never did exhale

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #30

there was a monk who slept on a cloud 
till the snores from the moon got to loud
he moved to a sea cave
where they held a trance rave
and the monk surfed the euphoric crowd

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #54

there was a hero of no action 
who saw mirrors as a distraction
he never took a bath
on the sociopath
where friends avoided interaction

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #217

there was a prince whose ghost wrote a book
it was all about an elite sook
the books ink spilled blue blood
press wallowed in the mud
while jihad said he was a war crook

©bg 2023

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick