poopling soup recipes #186

frown lines verse 6

there was a tribe of beast who did cry
when wolves fell on them from the dawn sky
they burnt the wise beast's scrolls
claimed the beasts had no souls
then killed the grey and enslaved their fry

©bg 2023

authors notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #210

there was a goblin that stole cube time 
the gnomes told the cops it was a mime
lawyers said it's an act
judges said it's a fact
that the goblin was trapped in his crime

©bg 2023

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #126

there was an old werewolf who hunted 
with teeth that had become blunted
when he caught a hot slug
it was a deadly bug
time had morphed the hunter to hunted

©bg 2022

authors notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #185

frown lines verse 5

there was a lost child brought up by beast
where the old land's sun sets in the east
at night she'd climb a tree
searching the star filled sea
fearful the wolves would come for their feast

©bg 2023

authors notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

tanka by a wanka 13 russell brand 

that ol' russell brand 
has got a toxic rebrand
will his gig posters
turn into wanted posters
while he prays in the wasteland

© by bg 2023

authors notes-while the author does not know if brand is guilty or not and allow his gut is leaning towards the first, the author knows that humans LIE and this poem is about the lynch mobs reaction to the accusations.

poopling soup recipes #120

there was a poet who was almost sad 
when rum tickled his toes he was glad
he dipped his toes in coke
his hair went up in smoke
then the poet was laid out in plaid

©bg 2022

authors notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #177

lost track 3

there was a raindog crossing a dam
been built by a beaver hologram
on the bridge stood a foe
a vulture with a bow
the raindog swallowed his last damn dram

©bg 2023

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

raindog meaning -refers to a habit dogs have of getting lost when heavy rains wash away the dog's markers they have left to guide them home.

author's notes- tom waits in his brilliant song"raindogs" used the word as a metaphor for human beings who are lost, in pain with no sense of direction and who don't have a social or physical place to belong.
as in all my lymberbrick poems and quite a lot of my other poems my characters are metaphors. I love Tom Waits' use of the raindog metaphor so it pops up in my own poems now and then.

poopling soup recipes #184

frown lines verse 4

there was a bride who escaped to sea
on a boat carved from a bodhi tree
from its hull a child grew
her limbs covered in dew
the bride in her child's cradle set free

©bg 2023

authors notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #134

there was a demon who sung a song  
to chase a dragon out of a bong
they argued in old tongues
till the smoke burst their lungs
now in grave silence they play Mahjong

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #125

there was an old judge who wished to kill 
a sorcerer with a golden grill
the gavel broke the staff
snapped the beast right in half
now the old judge wears the golden grill

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick