poopling soup recipes #83

there was an young hip hare with long ears
who explored a hole pot of frontiers
he watched the seasons change
from his home on the range
where he sat stewing in his own tears

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #104

there was an old gator high on mirth 
that met a stork carrying a myth's birth
the gator ate the stork
off his tuning pitch fork
then the gator burped and rubbed his girth

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #08

there was a grey wolf they called the brute 
he took his false teeth out to look cute
as votes drank his piddle
he had a good giggle
while he played a dance on Krishna's flute

©bg 2022

authors notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #53

there was a monk who loved a jester
yet laughter caused their wounds to fester
they tried grief drop salt tears
to cleanse their scabbed affairs
while the pair dressed in polyester

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #89

there was a cricket that looked quite blue
as over the mountain range he flew
his old loves were quite dead
but from new loves he fled
which mattered not to the starved cuckoo

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #73

there was a gorgon that sold snake oil
who milked the oil from her pet gargoyle
soon she had a dawn cult
who drank the cooled penult
which was why their heads turned into boils

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #95

there was a bard who went round the bend
when his epic verse came to the end
he drove his hearse to hell
and wrote cards to get well
which he penned to self so didn't send

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #32

there was a tired man sick in bed
he wished his bed to be a dream sled
but kama kept bitching
and the bites kept itching
while the counted sheep kept bleating dread

©bg 2022

authors notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #28

there was a leader who was dirty 
who wanted to make his state purty
so he made it ugly
then ever so smugly
his cringe flirty did a red shirty

©bg 2022

authors notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick

poopling soup recipes #13

there was a loon whose bust reflected 
the fragile state of the affected
they'd blow up if provoked
there critics wreaths they smoked
while the loons milk was introjected

©bg 2022

author's notes- not a Limerick it's a lymberbrick